

The rules of conduct apply to all member districts in the Cincinnati Hills SAY Soccer Area (CHSS) and any District or Organization that is authorized to play in CHSS during any season for all recreational games. The philosophy of SAY is for children to play and learn soccer in a safe and enjoyable environment. Therefore, the following Code of Ethics shall apply to all coaches, players, referees and spectators participating in CHSS programs.

Violations of these codes may result in disciplinary actions taken not only by the parent District/Organization but also by CHSS. Disciplinary actions and the procedures for due process are also included.


The position of coach or leader of any youth group is an important and serious responsibility. All the children look up to the coach and respect his/her position. The behavior of the coach is constantly under observation by them and they will strive to imitate the coach’s actions. The coach’s opinion and behavior during the game will carry more weight than anyone else’s, even parents. A responsible coach will conduct himself/herself using the following guidelines. A good youth soccer coach will:

1. Know the laws of the game and teach them to your players. Read the rulebook and attend a clinic to enhance your knowledge of the game.

2. Abide by the Laws of the Game and the Soccer Association for Youth Rules as well as the coaching policies, procedures and expectations set forth by Cincinnati Hills SAY Soccer.

3. Treat referees with respect, no matter what the call.

4. Exhibit excellent conduct at both practices and games. Team discipline reflects the coach’s attitude 100%. The coach is responsible for the conduct of the players when they are together as a team and the conduct of the spectators at practice and games.

5. Coach clean, skillful and honest soccer by stressing playing hard over winning.

6. Stress good sporting conduct.

7. Help maintain a climate of safety and enjoyment among spectators by discouraging negative remarks and/or harassment of players, referees, other coaches and other spectators. Remember that coaches are responsible for the conduct of their spectators. Keep all comments positive.

8. Work at team morale as hard as soccer skills and tactics. Be a “fun leader”. Stress individual skill development more than tactics. Minimize lectures, maximize demonstrations. Stress having fun.

9. In dealing with team members, maximize praise and minimize criticism. Make corrections slowly and calmly in a manner tailored to the individual.

10. DO NOT use profanity or vulgar language. Remember you are helping to mold the character of your players.

11. Coach talented and non-talented players with equal vigor. Allow all players more than their required playing time.

12. Minimize coaching from the sideline during the game. Know where your position on the sideline is during a game. Screaming during the game accomplishes nothing.

13. Pre-plan practice sessions in detail to be interesting, fast paced and involve all team members as much as possible (minimize standing around).

14. Welcome feedback from players and parents alike concerning potential problems and ways to improve.

15. Promote fair play at all levels. Discourage Passers from being in an offside position during games even though off-sides is not enforced at the Passers level.


It is against the Rules of SAY soccer for any coach to harass or intimidate soccer officials in any way. This includes before, during, and after any game sanctioned by CHSS. Failure to comply with the SAY Laws and Rules of the game as well as this Code of Ethics will result in disciplinary actions listed in the rules of conduct.

Please note that any physical contact with a soccer official could mean legal action by CHSS and/or the individual official(s).

At the direction of the Referee or CHSS board member (CHSS President, Vice President, Referee Coordinator, League Administrator, District President) and District Referee Coordinator, coaches may be cautioned (yellow card) and ejected (red card) before, during or after a sanctioned game.

Foul language to an official, player, coach or spectator.

Red Card – Ejection from the game. One game suspension (next game)

Threatening actions or words towards an official, player, coach or spectator.

Red Card – Ejection from the game. One game suspension (next game)

Aggressive physical contact with the referee, player or coach, i.e. grabbing the arm, turning the individual around, poking, bumping, etc..

Red Card – Ejection from the game, 4 game suspension and potential permanent expulsion from CHSS

Striking or kicking an official or a player. Red Card – Ejection from the game and permanent expulsion from CHSS. Review by the board of directors of CHSS for denial of future enrollment of said family.

Refusal to leave the playing field after an ejection. 

Two game suspension

Any coach or player observed using or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol before or during a game. 

Red Card – Ejection from the game and one game suspension. Subject to expulsion from the league by CHSS.

Entering the field of play without the permission of the referees.

First offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game. One game suspension (next game)

Constant and excessive verbal harassment of the referee or players.

First Offense: Yellow Card - Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from game and one game suspension.

Instructing players to play in a dangerous or sportsmanship-like manner.

First Offense: Caution – Yellow Card.

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game. Two (2) game suspension and possible expulsion review.

Instructing players to play in a dangerous or sportsmanship-like manner with deliberate intent to harm.

Red Card – Ejection with Two (2) game suspension possible Expulsion review.

Coaches do not remain between penalty box and mid-field.

First Offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection and one game suspension

Playing an illegal player. 

Game Forfeiture and season suspension

Instructs players to delay the restart of the game.

First Offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from game and one game suspension.

Two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game for the same or different offenses.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and 1 game suspension.


All registered soccer players in the SAY program are required to learn the Laws and Rules of SAY soccer, play fair and assure the safety of themselves and their teammates. Violation of the rules of soccer will result in a penalty in accordance with the Rules of Soccer as determined by the soccer official during the game.

All registered soccer players in our program need to understand that it is against the rules of SAY Soccer to threaten, harass or intimidate soccer officials in any way. This includes before, during and after all games sanctioned by SAY Soccer. Failure to comply with the rules could mean immediate expulsion from the game and field area and/or loss of the game. Any physical contact with a soccer official could mean legal action by the SAY soccer association.

In addition to any penalties assessed in a game in accordance with the Laws and Rules of SAY soccer, the following:

Abusive language to an official, player, coach or spectator.

First offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game.

One game suspension (next game)

Foul language to an official, player, or spectator.

First Offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game.

One game suspension (next game)

Threatening actions or words towards an official, player, or spectator.

Red Card – Ejection from the game. One game suspension (next game) Review by the board of directors of CHSS for denial of future enrollment of said family.

Aggressive physical contact with the referee or player i.e. grabbing the arm, turning the individual around, poking, bumping, etc..

Red Card – Ejection from the game and 4 game suspension. Review by the CHSS Board of Directors for denial of future enrollment of said family.

Spits at an opponent or any other person.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and 1 game suspension. Review by the CHSS Board of Directors for denial of future enrollment of said family.

Striking an official.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and Expulsion for the season. Review by the CHSS Board of Directors for denial of future enrollment of said family.

Striking (closed fist) or kicking a player.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and 1 game suspension. Second offense for same reason is expulsion for the season

Refusal to leave the playing field after an ejection. 

One game suspension.

Any player observed using or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol before or during a game.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and one game suspension. Subject to expulsion from the league by SAY North Board review

Entering or deliberately leaving the field of play without the permission of the referees.

First offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game.

One game suspension (next game)

Denies an opponent a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (does not apply to goalkeeper within his own penalty area).

Red Card – Ejection from the game and one game suspension

Denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offense punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and one game suspension

Delays the restart of play during the game.

First Offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from game and one game suspension.

Fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or free kick.

First Offense: Yellow Card – Caution

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from game and one game suspension

Engages in dangerous or sportsmanship-like behavior.

First Offense: Caution – Yellow Card

Second Offense: Red Card – Ejection from the game.

Two (2) game suspension possible Expulsion review

Engages in dangerous or unsporting behavior with intent to harm.

Red Card – Ejection with Two (2) game suspension possible Expulsion review

Two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game for the same or different offenses.

Red Card – Ejection from the game and 1 game suspension.


1. The CHSS Board of Directors and/or District Representatives may levy penalties greater than those above if, in their opinion, circumstances indicate a greater penalty is appropriate.

2. Red Cards that are assessed after a game is completed will carry over to other games. This includes any coach or player that coaches, assists or participates in another SAY team/game.

3. Penalties that are assessed which are longer than the remaining season shall be carried over to the next season that the person participates.

4. A coach under suspension may not attend or participate in any way as either a coach, assistant coach or spectator in any game his or her team plays during his suspension. This includes any other teams of other age groups within SAY.

5. A coach under expulsion is out of the CHSS program indefinitely. The CHSS Board may reinstate a coach only after a favorable review. An expelled coach may not act in any coaching, managerial or administrative capacity in the CHSS organization.

6. The violation of any suspension or expulsion will result in the forfeiture of any game participated in and/or the elimination of the team from league play for the remainder of the season.

7. All Red Cards or ejections will be noted by the referee and reported to the CHSS Area Referee Coordinator within 24 hours of the offense.


All spectators in our program need to understand that it is against the rules of SAY Soccer to threaten, harass, or intimidate soccer officials or players in any way. This includes before, during, and after all games sanctioned by SAY Soccer. Failure to comply with the rules could mean immediate expulsion from the game and field area or potential permanent expulsion from the league.

Every spectator is expected to abide by the “Spectator Expectations” policies set by CHSS.

Spectators may be ejected from a game by the officials.  Ejected spectators are required to leave the vicinity of the field immediately.

All ejections of spectators will be noted and forwarded to CHSS league officials.  CHSS reserves the right to issue temporary of permanent expulsions for acts considered in violation of the CHSS rules of conduct


Cincinnati Hills SAY Soccer


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